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Getting started

Recommended to use create-jd-app

npm install @auth/solid-start@latest @auth/core@latest

Setting It Up​

Generate auth secret, then set it as an environment variable:


Creating the api handler​

in this example we are using github so make sure to set the following environment variables:

// routes/api/auth/[...solidauth].ts
import { SolidAuth, type SolidAuthConfig } from "@auth/solid-start"
import GitHub from "@auth/core/providers/github"

export const authOpts: SolidAuthConfig = {
providers: [
clientId: process.env.GITHUB_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_SECRET,
debug: false,

export const { GET, POST } = SolidAuth(authOpts)

Signing in and out​

import { signIn, signOut } from "@auth/solid-start/client"
const login = () => signIn("github")
const logout = () => signOut()

Getting the current session​

import { getSession } from "@auth/solid-start"
import { createServerData$ } from "solid-start/server"
import { authOpts } from "~/routes/api/auth/[...solidauth]"

export const useSession = () => {
return createServerData$(
async (_, { request }) => {
return await getSession(request, authOpts)
{ key: () => ["auth_user"] }

// useSession returns a resource:
const session = useSession()
const loading = session.loading
const user = () => session()?.user